Trading in the stock market is great way to earn a lot of money really fast. With the development of technology, individuals can now break away from the stock market floor to trade from their home computers in their PJs. However, although the concept seems easy enough, it isn’t. One such trading technique that is often coined is day trading. This is pretty much what it sounds like: trading in the space of one day.


When you’re day trading, you are opening and closing trades within minutes of each other in order to score a profit. The process is very high risk bu

t, if mastered, can make you a lot money very fast. Many beginners go into the day trading game with little knowledge about what to expect and what they need to analyze. This results in some enormous failures and there are hundreds of them. If you want to learn how to become a day trader, you will need to start by avoiding common mistakes.

Make sure you don’t make the mistakes that every beginner makes and take some friendly advice from the professionals. If you know what mistakes are commonly made, you can aim to avoid them. This is what this article was made for. Here, we will discuss some of the most common mistakes beginner day traders make, so hopefully you can avoid them.

Never Planning Ahead

This is a huge one that beginners always forget. When they jump into day trading they don’t make a plan or form a strategy and this leads to great losses. Beginners will not fully understand a stock when they position themselves and do not have a strategy for entering and closing. When you enter a trade you need to have a strict goal and price you want. Never go in blind and understand what you want from the stock.

In addition to not planning, when a beginner does plan, they never stick to it. They let emotions and tensions to cloud their rules and strategy. If you see a stock starting to go up, don’t gamble, close when you said you were going to close otherwise you could lose everything.

Trading too much in One Day

When you first start it may be tempting to sit at the computer all day and trade, trade, trade. Some go into the game believing that the goal is to never stop trading if you want a chance at profiting. This is the wrong mindset to have with day trading and, in some cases, you can even take a few days off from the computer if you’re doing it right. It is also good to not get stuck with one strategy or stock. If something worked last time, it might not work again. So mix things up.Stock-trader-looking-at-monitors

Riding Solo

Among all these mistakes, one of the biggest is trying to teach yourself everything and figure out the strategies by yourself. You may hear that self-education is the best way to learn but you will need some guidance when it comes to day trading. This is because the risk factor is so great you can’t afford to make mistakes. Join a chatroom and talk to some of the professionals about their experience. They might be able to share some insight into their stock picks.


So there you have it, three of the biggest mistakes new day traders make. Although there are only three points each one is detailed enough to learn from. To sum up: plan ahead and stick to your plan, don’t go trade-crazy and mix up your strategies and, finally, join a community and learn from the guys already profiting. With time, you will become an excellent day trader.